[not defending patent trolls, just poking what seems to be a hole in the concept]
> Its okay if they are actually still in the process of building the thing
what should happen with a patent holder who sells off their R&D department, and thus stops "developing things"? should they be allowed to keep their patents? (to keep receiving e.g. licencing fees for the stuff they did develop; i think that's how it works?)
Yeah, the problem people seem to have is with the transferability of patents. But the alternative is some sort of personal right rather than a property right, and the huge companies would run roughshod over a system of personal rights to inventions, only enriching the FAANGS of the world at the expense of literally everyone else. Think it through before you go attacking the patent system.
> Its okay if they are actually still in the process of building the thing
what should happen with a patent holder who sells off their R&D department, and thus stops "developing things"? should they be allowed to keep their patents? (to keep receiving e.g. licencing fees for the stuff they did develop; i think that's how it works?)