The squeaky wheel gets the grease - contact your representatives. If you contact them about an issue enough they’ll actually get in touch and ask for your input when the issue finally starts getting traction.
I think it goes without saying but they’re far more likely to listen if you’re polite and suggest possible solutions instead of just complaining.
Then we have to figure out how to use whatever power we have within this corrupt system to decorrupt it.
The "fun" answer, to burn the system down, does not leave a better system in its place. The individual components are left to scramble to develop their own systems, which in the absence of strong moral leadership, are inevitably just as as corrupt as the larger system they came from.
Are you aware of any noteworthy initiatives underway to decorrupt the system though? I often read that this is "just" all we have to do, but who's going to do it? "The System"? Democracy? AI? Rationalism? Religion? Our moms?
I think it goes without saying but they’re far more likely to listen if you’re polite and suggest possible solutions instead of just complaining.