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Not sure why this is being downvoted. This advice is far more useful than OPs.

Be careful of anyone claiming to be an expert on anything, especially on an anonymous forum - even if that forum has in general higher quality opinion.

And the OP does not mention Vitamin K2 at all. How does anybody who claims to have done a Masters on Vitamin D not mention K2?

I didn't mention K2 because I didn't study it. I make no claim to expertise, only familiarity.

Personally, I eat dark green leafy vegetables every day - one serving of kale contains 443% daily value of vitamin K and I probably consume 2-3 servings a day.

Most food we eat doesn't contain vitamin D. A serving of farmed salmon, for example, contains about 250 IU D3 - 32% of the daily value.

In any case, I highly agree with not trusting anonymous internet opinions.

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