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Not to me, but to some people, definitely.

I was about to hire a guy and discussing him with the president, it came up that he was into ASICs for crypto mining (years before it was a big thing)... president didn’t like it, figured the guy to be a get rich quick type and through his direction we passed over hiring him.

Turns out in this case, it was a good call, but right or wrong it was enough to push the guy back in the pool as he was already on the edge anyhow.

You passed up a guy that had an interest outside your business and that was extremely technical?

I can understand the justifications for culture fit, however, to me it sounds like you passed over someone because he was ambitious outside of work. That's fine if that's your culture, but you should consider that as a red flag.

>> you passed over someone because he was ambitious outside of work

Many see that as a sign that they won't be 100% focused on the task at hand.

He was fine with it the president of his company wasn't.

As the other guy wrote. Wasn’t my final call. I understood the presidents point. If it was just me, I probably would have given him a try.

And also like I said, it worked out in this case, the guy was a get-rich-quick type. He went to work for someone I know and didn’t last there. Sub par work, rushed and didn’t really care. That’s all besides the point.

The point that yes, your outside interests can possibly effect your hiring prospects.

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