The issue is that it's ratios, not fractions. 1:3. You take 1:3 and 1:3 and it's still 1:3 or 2:6. You haven't changed the ratio for this at all by showing it as fractions, it's simply being represented and presented without correct context.
Isn't this why you end up seeing these "silly" units like kg/kg in chemistry? So that, while the value is technically dimensionless, it doesn't get added to another dimensionless value (e.g. l/l) that's a ratio of values of a different dimension?
And then it's easy to make them see how her answer was right in its own way by adding another unit, (person at table a+b and people at table a+b) and show why it may be harder to works like that for now.
I heard so many people complains that each year in maths they would essentially learn that everything they learned the year before was wrong... can we fix that please?!
Somewhat aside, but in grade school I recall learning that ratios were written [group-A]:[group-B], not [group-A]:[total]. So the girl-boy ratio at the table would be 1:2. Different for you?