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Six years, roughly the time it took Angular to rise until version 2.

Sorry for the sarcasm, I've been trying to learn web development for some months, starting with the basics (HTML, CSS, plain JS) and slowly adding more modern frameworks (Bootstrap, NodeJS, ...).

The course is a few years old already and it feels like 80% of what I learn is now completely irrelevant. I just wonder how frontend developers keep up with that pace.

If I'd write a blog, I wouldn't want to spend half of my time into refactoring and migrating to newer versions, frameworks, etc. But maybe that's just me.

"I just wonder how frontend developers keep up with that pace."


You learn the newest hotness right now (and hope you're right), evangelize it like a Southern Baptist at a tent revival, ride the wave for a few years until it's obvious the wheels are coming off in one of the three or four predictable ways, then pick up the new, new thing and pretend the past never happened.

It helps to change jobs every nine months or so; otherwise, someone will ask you to do something to that ancient archaic legacy stuff. Nobody wants that.

> I just wonder how frontend developers keep up with that pace.

It's a full-time job. I have a cynical theory that this pace is beneficial to webdevs, because as long as they can keep convincing their employers and customers that they need bleeding edge frontend tech, they can enjoy their absurdly high salaries (as compared with the rest of the industry).

"I just wonder how frontend developers keep up with that pace."

Understand the principles behind these frameworks, see that they hit just some point between conflicting tradeoffs, understand problem domains and how they interact with these tradeoffs. It's not like jQuery is accomplishing something fundamentally different than React, it's just that they make wildly different design choices that have implications on composability, maintainability, etc.

After you've learned a few of these (and the principles they are built on top of), you'll understand that it's going to be pretty easy to learn the next 10 of them.

Are you taking colt Steele's web dev course on Udemy?

Ah ah yes, that's the one. Did you take it too?

I have that but I'm currently doing the webdev course by Angela yu. Heard that colt steele has planned for an update.. no one knows when. As far as I can see the big difference is colt doesn't cover react.

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