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Respectfully, other than your first sentence (which agrees w my post) you've completely misunderstood and mischaracterized what I wrote.

I'm speaking from personal experience about what's been profoundly helpful to me in successfully overcoming a set of challenges related to how my mind works. My intent was and is to share and encourage others. FYI, learning to view this condition as a trait that can be advantageous (vs a defect or impairment) can be transformational for people suffering needlessly from frustration, guilt and self-doubt -- which mental health issues are rampant in my ADHD cohort. My aim is to speak directly to this group in saying "don't give up! try looking at things in this way, keep searching for the right solution and there's a good chance your life could radically improve, as did mine."

As for your ideas about what constitutes being "charitable", the less said the better. May I politely suggest taking a few slow breaths, ideally w your eyes closed, outside, w the sun on your face, and remember how lucky we all are to be alive.

Have a great day!

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