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Wow, so many 32gb ipads. Who buys those? Seems to me you're price sensitive or you aren't, and you want disk space to dump all your stuff on it or you don't care too much. I don't quite see the use case for the middle ground.

I have a 32GB original iPad. If you want to be able to have all the pictures you can imagine having, but don't care too much about having your music collection there, then 32GB might be a good size. iPad form factor is great for photos. It's a bit big for a music player. This was my thinking.

Another reason: if you have a 32GB iPhone, then you could sync the same content subset with both devices, which might be easier to maintain than two sets of content for both.

"Apple (AAPL) ran out of 16GB iPads first, then 32BG models..." could have been a factor.

I picked up a 16GB model yesterday, but I would've sprung for the 32 if they'd run out of the 16GB models. It was probably sufficiently important to me to have a black version that I would have picked up the 32GB black iPad before a 16GB white one.

Out of curiosity, why'd you go for the black model?

I figured the white bezel would be distracting.

Makes sense. Those flash upgrades are, what, 80% profit? Manufacturing lots of the 32GB models early on would probably be a good decision.

16->32GB upgrade should be about 87% gross margin and 32->64GB at 74% gross margin, exclusive of the cost of inventorying multiple SKUs.

I use Air Video and StreamToMe for almost all my media, but 16GB can start to feel a bit cramped if you install more than a few of the larger games.

I'd still buy the $499 model myself, but I can understand why someone would think 16GB is not quite enough.

I wonder if its "second cheapest syndrome"?


Lots of people don't want to be seen as cheapskates, so the seller intentionally prices the second cheapest item with a very generous margin.

16GB is just a LITTLE too small for a week of movies to watch for the kids.

This is how a friend rationalized it: He wanted to buy the 16gb 3g model, but realized that some of the games e.g. fifa 2011 run close to 1G in size. Naturally, if there are 10 of these apps, you would run out of space on the 16gb model. 32 seems like a good middleground, which is what he went for

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