Since about half a year and now as the iPad2 is launching, I question myself: For how long Apple will be able to march on with success?
When might Apple´s decade of decline start and what could be the reasons for that?
A part of the future scenario is of course, that Steve Jobs will hand over his masterpiece to another person. A person, that might not be able to tell the story that Steve Jobs embodies. And connected to that the brand will not be what is it today.
The second part of the scenario is, that the overall penetration with Apple related products will simply get too high someday. Apple is facing what it never wanted to embody: Mainstream. What we currently experience as a holistic matching of a wide ranging product groups, might turn into dislikes of tomorrow.
This would be, what I would call the "microggle" effect, as these other two giants also more and more lost their sexyness by being omnipresent.
Of course, my thoughts are very unfinished, but I would like to know your opinions.
Another action that personally upset me, me being a fanboy, is their publisher subscription model of taking 30%. That doesn't seem to be in the best interest of their users.