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Brave in his stupidity?

No, it's intentional and with a goal. "Brave" in his overt disregard for the lives of others in the name of money. There is, as of yet, no vaccine and there is no cure, and the pandemic curve will restart and kill more people if reopening happens too soon. Lockdowns certainly aren't ideal, but they won't kill nearly as many people as horribly as hunkering-down for as long as possible and when the government should be doing more UBI to help people. Dying alone by drowning on a respirator is a terrible way to go.

> in the name of money

You're so sure the reason is money you don't need checking if Musk has other ways to earn them - more reliably at that. Sorry.

Musk does a lot of mistakes, most of them shoot himself in the foot - in a mild way, he's a smart guy. When he does make a big one, he might insist - as a good deal of billionaires would - but to label Musk a strict money chaser would equal to elevating profit hunting to astronomical heights, both figuratively and literally. You don't go with your last money - even if it's your hundred mils - to the business you know is pretty risky unless you have something else. C'mon.

Where I agree is that it's a highly questionable move, to say mildly.

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