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This is a clever twist on unbundling. Well done.

Craigslist is misspelled (there is an "s" in it).

Giving me a photo credit would be courteous as the author of that image. https://thegongshow.tumblr.com/post/345941486/the-spawn-of-c...

That reminds me of Amazon - I've been "unbundling" my purchases from Amazon due to shipping delays. I still think it's a useful place to find /which/ product I want to buy, but once I figure that out, or if I already have, I head over to the product's own website and buy it there. Examples of my recent purchases - diapers, toys, herbs and spices. In all of these examples the product has shipped within a day and received within a few days.

Good point, but unfortunately on a lot of vendor sites, the checkout experience is still sub-par, some require you to create an account (Annoying if you know it's just a one-time purchase). On amazon, it's click and done. The shipping delays aren't universal; I recently ordered coffee from there and it it got delivered within 2 days (prime customer).

On the checkout experience front, I notice that's been changing lately, especially with Shopify shopfronts. (e.g. jrwatkins.com)

The experience is even more frictionless than Amazon's, especially on a mobile device that supports mobile payments. With Apple Pay, the checkout process is literally just clicking the checkout button, then scanning your face/thumbprint, and done. No account creation, no credit card number is sent (token), address/email etc. are filled out transparently.

Kind of similar to the HotelTonight experience where you're able to book a hotel in less than 3 minutes.

he's talking about receiving his goods a day or more earlier, and you are talking about a couple of minutes longer sitting in your chair typing in the account information. Your customer service point does point out a benefit, but it doesn't address the consumer need expressed in the previous comment.

Yes thank you for highlighting that point - and in my case it is receiving the goods weeks earlier, even

2 days is still too long for your coffee to not be cold... /s

Sorry I couldn't help it

I'm sure with modern heating technology we could fix that, albeit with significantly higher shipping costs.

I think the shipping is especially delayed because I don't live in the contiguous United States

Same here!!

It is supremely annoying that tumblr breaks the back button.

Thank you. Sorry for not attributing I plucked it from Google. Will add now :)


Maybe he was one of today’s lucky 10,000.


Maybe Google should know better than to "pluck" copyrighted images from people's sites and display them out of context on their own site while serving their own ads.

I imagine now they do.

Love your image. Have sent it to so many friends. The variants that popped up afterwards for Fintech and other verticals is very flattering to you.

Just wanted to say kudos for that original and the solid analysis. I've seen it been referred multiple times in the past few years.

Talking about unbundling on connectors.. is there something like Zapier for large enterprise? Also, would be nice there is an standard way to develop these connectors for interchange

I'm gonna post this on our lab's meme group, if that's okay.

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