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"You can use your laptop power brick as a foot warmer."

Not quite so grand as some ideas here, but still... my feet are warm.

Along the same lines, my new (to me) Apple Thunderbolt display generates a ridiculous amount of heat, and the vents are on the bottom, right above my keyboard (I have the display on a VESA mount). Which is great, because my hands get cold easily and my office doesn't get very warm. It won't be very fun come summer though.

Similarly, my 2015 MBP huffs hot air out from between the keys on the keyboard when it's overheating.

Horrible in summer (I got a heat rash, then an external keyboard) but great in winter.

edit: formatting

This idea might not have changed my life, but it changed my day :-) (Within seconds and for the better; what more could you ask for?)

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