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Not being able to write complex software on a platform such as Unix or Python is therefore a feature, not a bug.

Except that Python is not that. Multiple inheritance: check. Operator overloading: check. Functional programming: at least some of that (for-comprehensions, map, filter, reduce provided by the language). Exceptions: you got it. Coroutines: sure.

Python provides all the rope to 'get trapped in the wet sands of complexity'. Add the lack of static typing and you can write impermeable systems. There are a lot of Python code bases out which are exactly that. Go is a simple language, Python is not.

Worse is better" is a myth

Richard P. Gabriel:

The lesson to be learned from this is that it is often undesirable to go for the right thing first. It is better to get half of the right thing available so that it spreads like a virus. Once people are hooked on it, take the time to improve it to 90% of the right thing.

Or as aptly summarized by Wikipedia:

Therefore, the worse-is-better software first will gain acceptance, second will condition its users to expect less, and third will be improved to a point that is almost the right thing.

Which is exactly the history of Python (and Unix), compared to 'better' languages of the same era. Note that 'worse' is not necessarily used in a derogatory way. It just means that it is often better to get a good-enough, working, simple implementation out there that quickly adapts and spreads, than making that unicorn perfect system. If you look at the early Python versions and how Python spread over the years, it's a prototypical 'worse is better' example.

You don't need to use multiple inheritance, coroutines or anything advanced in Python and still be productive. Many non computer science data analysts do exactly that and are very successful with it.

Go and other languages listed in the original articles on the other hand require you to understand the full complexity before you even begin or spend most of your time deep in documentation if you decide to learn as you go. Static type language simply doesn't allow you to not understand the type system.

This effect is especially enhanced in Scala, Haskell and similar ones where you will not finish a thing until you get a degree in category theory or Odersky theory.

'Worse' might not be intended to sound bad, but it surely does. It seems it is used to describe Unix and Python by that cohort of programmers whose intention is not to get shit done but to develop some mathematical theory of everything.

People who care about delivering results would not call them 'worse' compared to current alternatives in the first place.

There definitely are better alternatives on the horizon and they are better because they bring more simplicity to the table but not at the cost of giving up intuitiveness.

> This effect is especially enhanced in Scala, Haskell and similar ones where you will not finish a thing until you get a degree in category theory or Odersky theory.

This is simply not true.

>>Therefore, the worse-is-better software first will gain acceptance, second will condition its users to expect less, and third will be improved to a point that is almost the right thing.

>Which is exactly the history of Python (and Unix)

I was thinking Python (and Windows) :v

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