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That requires two-factor auth, which requires giving them a phone number.

You can't set up TOTP without giving Google a phone number?

I'm not sure if Google allows using phone notifications first (another 2fa method) and then switching to TOTP, but TOTP isn't allowed as the first choice.

They support using phone numbers and then switching to TOTP and deleting the phone number.

So how does this avoid giving the number to Google?

It doesn't. I think they were just confirming this:

> I'm not sure if Google allows using phone notifications first (another 2fa method) and then switching to TOTP...

Can you use a Twilio number for $1/mo or some other burner service?

Twilio numbers, and most other VOIP numbers, cannot receive the short code text messages that Google uses for verification.

You're right, I forgot that it doesn't work the other way around (my Google Voice number definitely can receive shortcodes though).

Can you setup google voice?

Voice requires a phone number to link your GV number to

Only if you're in the US.

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