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Because YouTube is already known as one of the worst cancers on the internet, and has allowed the stupid to herd and multiply.

Flat Earth. Pizzagate. Soros conspiracies. Chemtrails. Anti-vaccers. These were all laughable fringe things that the disturbed came up with. Then YouTube came along and suddenly the stupid were discovering one another, confirming each other's idiocy.

YouTube is probably a little tired of this. The fringe can of course create their own video sites, just as they made their own "Twitter" and their own "Reddit" (all abysmal failures when they learn how miserable and deplorable they are).

LOL, dang -the enabler of right-wing asshats- has hellbanned me. ROFL. Eat a big ol' donkey dick, dang. You have turned HN into a AGW denying shithole.

No one banned you. Your comment was affected by user flags and software. Rightly so, as you've been trolling up a storm (or trying to), and using multiple accounts to do it.

Obviously, though, if you keep posting like this then we will have to ban you. If we don't, people will complain about us privileging you, as we ban other accounts for less and you're breaking the site guidelines badly: https://news.ycombinator.com/newsguidelines.html

Comments such as "dang -the enabler of right-wing asshats", "HN is a cesspool of anti-intellectual MAGA blowhards" (https://news.ycombinator.com/user?id=hn_check), "only far-right anti-science, anti-intellectual noise" (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23014140) are helpful in a way. They go nicely with "The mods here are radical liberals", "left-wing propaganda", "dang is an SJW cunt", etc. (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22920602) and are handy for balancing the binary tree (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22784216).

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