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"- We moderate the content and provide easy-to-use reporting tools.

- We use spam and bad word filters.

- We timeout or ban users who repeatedly or flagrantly break our rules.

- Personally identifying information is banned from any messages.

- All new users agree to community expectations."

That's all well and good, but fairly par for the course when it comes to social media (except the anonymous part, but there are plenty that do have that). I don't really see anything innovative here around making sure things stay positive.

Not at all arguing that this is novel or innovative — rather my own take on the genre. I'd argue that some aspects of the system incentivize better behavior:

- It'll be a purchased app (not free), so the stakes of being banned are higher. Right now in beta, it is more open for sure.

- The 1:1 message sending doesn't give any feedback to bad actors, so attention-seeking behavior is more limited.

- I'm also hopeful to continue to design an experience that's calm and cheerful, and provides guidance about good behavior (in a way that's more in-your-face than most social media).

Of course, there will always be malicious people, and neither I nor this project are perfect. As I mentioned elsewhere in this post, I'd be quick to shut things down if it got out of hand.

Happy to discuss this more.

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