I now have three (3) services that use Symantec VIP for 2FA.
Unlike the usual OTP, services using Symantec OTP are bootstrapped by using the ID of a phone generated by the Symantec VIP app. That ID supposedly is unique per device. A user furnishes that unique ID via some means to the service using Symantec VIP for 2FA.
The login flow with 2FA enabled matches the flow with the other OTP software.
It seems there's no way to backup Symantec VIP data which means that it is linked to a single device. Two of the three services using it for 2FA upon suggested that should a user lose device used to do 2FA then a user should simply call CS and add request to link the account to a code generated by a new 2FA device(!).
I then can store it in my 1Password which provides the new code every 30 seconds.