Below are more size comparison:
| Tools | Runtime Code Size (minified) |
| TS LiveView + morphdom | 8K |
| (Phoenix) LiveView.js + morphdom | 29K |
| Vue 2.5.20 | 88K |
| React 16.6.3 + React DOM | 112K |
| Ember 3.0.0.beta.2 | 468K |
| React + Ionic * | 2.1M |
| Stencil + Ionic * | 3.0M |
| Angular + Ionic * | 4.2M |
* : all Ionic build excluded the svg, assets, *.map and PWA json files
Below are more size comparison:
| Tools | Runtime Code Size (minified) |
| TS LiveView + morphdom | 8K |
| (Phoenix) LiveView.js + morphdom | 29K |
| Vue 2.5.20 | 88K |
| React 16.6.3 + React DOM | 112K |
| Ember 3.0.0.beta.2 | 468K |
| React + Ionic * | 2.1M |
| Stencil + Ionic * | 3.0M |
| Angular + Ionic * | 4.2M |
* : all Ionic build excluded the svg, assets, *.map and PWA json files