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Please stop posting like this to HN. It's tedious ideological boilerplate, not curious conversation.


What specifically about this post is "tedious ideological boilerplate"? That's an extremely insulting way to characterize the work I've done to substantiate my argument. Moreover, I am very curious about what people disagree with in my post. I ask people in my OP to post specific reasons why they disagree with me. That's the definition of curious conversation

And bringing up Nietzsche is extremely relevant since the abstract of the OP specifically cites his reasoning as the source of post-modernism. I'm claiming that had he lived long enough to see what post-modernism was, he would have tried to disavow his work from it. Apparently that's "tedious ideological boilerplate" to you.

At what point am I claiming something which is untrue? If making a connection between the left and french post-modernism is something that you label as "tedious ideological boilerplate" than you're simply mistaken.

At worst, my final addendum about HN flaggers may not be within your guidelines. Outside of that, this post is high quality and something that HN users should aspire to. Compare the work I did to nearly all the other posts in this thread. They are on average far more quippy, far less substantiated, and more ideological than my own.

Your complaint about this post implies that this platform is bankrupt and defunct for talking about anything except a subset of computer related topics.

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