On average, 37% of jobs can be done from home. https://www.nber.org/papers/w26948.pdf
However, most companies are reluctant to allow WFH, as they see decreases in productivity.
Now that you've had a chance to experience it, what's your perspective? Are you raring to go back to the office? Do you want to stay in your own study for the rest of days?
Whatever your personal perspective, should companies be required to offer a WFH option for all employees? Say a 10% paycut for full-time WFH vs commuting to the office.
The current situation is not representative of typical remote working conditions. I am fortunate in that I do not have relatives that need care or children that are home from school (yet), and that I have an extra room with a door that I can close, a comfortable chair, and a nice view out the window. Many people do not have these luxuries at the moment; a lot of my coworkers in the Bay Area have 2-3 children home from school, are sharing cramped apartment spaces, and have an unergonomic setup with poor internet connectivity.
If anything, I worry that the current situation may drive the possibility of remote work backwards a bit.