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I've always pointed folks to Gosha Arinich's posts on forms in React [0], as the best resource out there, particularly the post on "controlled vs uncontrolled inputs" [1]. (And if you really want to go in depth, he wrote a book on the topic as well. [2])

If you're looking for libs to help abstract working with more complex forms, Formik [3] and React Final Form [4] are probably your two best options.

[0] https://goshakkk.name/on-forms-react/

[1] https://goshakkk.name/controlled-vs-uncontrolled-inputs-reac...

[2] https://goshakkk.name/the-missing-forms-handbook-of-react/

[3] https://jaredpalmer.com/formik/

[4] https://final-form.org/react

Throwing my thin wrapper around Material-UI and Final Form into the mix. I personally prefer RFF over Formik because of RFF's ability to control renders.


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