Agreed. How is it okay to brush off serious issues like this.
Power cycling as a maintenance requirement is absurd. You don't sell someone a garage door opener for example and say "oh yeah, by the way, part of the ownership maintenance is that you need to unplug it at least every month, otherwise it might just start opening and closing randomly. No biggie".
This is an indication of a serious problem with the engineering, and after everything that has been failing with Boeings products lately, makes me want to avoid getting on a Boeing aircraft.
This has to be a joke. I can't fathom that this sort of issue is in production. It means that there is some sort of unaccounted saturation of buffers, or worse, memory leaks. In a deterministic system, these are the obvious things you need to get right.
Did you really just compare a passenger aircraft to a garage door opener?
It would also be absurd to say that part of the maintenance for your garage door opener is tearing the whole thing apart after x amount of use, but that's absolutely standard for aircraft engines.
This type of thinking is proving to be more dangerous than the ideas expressed.