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Just a dirty move to shove aside all of us paying Android users. Was going to look at going back to Apple for my next phone but this just brought my opinion of Apple business practices back down to the garbage heap.

I am disappointed in the founders for letting that be a part of the acquisition.

As a paying Dark Sky user on Android, this is very disappointing. I'm extra disappointed since I was under the illusion that Dark Sky was more of a public service entity than a take-the-money-and-run startup. I'll do better due diligence before buying in the future.

I'll be filing this story under the general theme: rich company distorts genuine social impact rewards and ends up making people poorer in aggregate. Sadly this just seems normal these days...

Same. Shame on the founders. This project started as a kickstarter, and this is an utter kick in the teeth to a community that wants to support these kinds of projects.

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