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Those other systems don't have Reagent. Reagent is simply the best way to write user interfaces I've seen in 25 years, bar none. The only comparable jump in productivity that I can recall is moving from assembly language to a compiler.

Spending time with a profiler, we can probably improve the size and speed of a Clojure application (I've never tried using it for desktop software). No amount of time playing with Qt/Lazarus is going to give you Reagent, though.

So, you are saying that this :

    (ns example
      (:require [reagent.core :as r]))

    (def click-count (r/atom 0))

    (defn counting-component []
       "The atom " [:code "click-count"] " has value: "
       @click-count ". "
       [:input {:type "button" :value "Click me!"
                :on-click #(swap! click-count inc)}]])
Is better than this :

    import QtQuick.Controls 2.3
    Button {
        property int count: 0
        onClicked: count++
        text: count == 0 
              ? "Click me!" 
              : "The value is : " + count
? (testable here : https://tinyurl.com/rjgcfod)

I'm confused. Clojure doesn't have Reagent either. ClojureScript does. And Reagent is a pretty straightforward React wrapper, not so different from Rum. What do you think makes it special? Even Rum renders server-side.

The author of the post is the creator of cljfx https://github.com/cljfx/cljfx which basically allows you to use the reagent model to build JavaFx GUIs. I believe that is what parent is referring too.

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