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I don't use Zoom but it looks like someone verified that this is only the host involved with the private chat:

> IMPORTANT: I can only find evidence that Zoom by default creates a log of private messages WITH THE HOST. This happens regardless of whether the session is recorded. It isn't a good design decision from a privacy perspective. But it's not the same as recording all* messages.*


It's not super clear what a "host" is in Zoom parlance. Is it the meeting creator, or do they mean the host as in the person you were chatting with?

AFAIK, Zoom meetings have a concept of "host", which is typically the person who creates the meeting, but I believe the role can be passed around (host can select another participant and make them a host).

Hosts are privileged to have control over the meeting, e.g. can toggle recording or shut it down (so everyone gets disconnected and sees "was ended by host" or something like that), etc.

One person in the meeting can be (re)assigned the host role, which allows them to end, record, and let people into the meeting. Kind of like a meeting admin.

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