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Love it. Thank you for sharing. Reminds me of some Asimov: https://www.technologyreview.com/s/531911/isaac-asimov-asks-...

There must be "ease, relaxation, and a general sense of permissiveness." which sounds like an environment that would be conducive to basic questions.

He goes on to say "isolation is required" (for having creative ideas) and maybe that's because it is a way for him to avoid the adult-being-and-always-sounding-smart-forcing-function... even as costly as being alone from a team may be!

Feels like some tall shoulders probably agree with you:)

"Reminds me of some Asimov" may be the single greatest compliment I've ever been paid.

One of the things I love about Asimov's writing is the way in which he builds complex situations with simple building blocks. The Three Laws are the best example of this, but one of my favorites remains his first "article" on Thiotimiline.

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