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If you would like please consider becoming a professional member $99/year of ACM then you also get access to Safaribooksonline. Personally I think its good value for money.


IIRC (admittedly it's been a few years), ACM Membership only got you access to a selection of material from Safari, not the whole thing.

That might have changed given that Safari has reorganized and changed like 5x in the past few years.

Anyone confirm?

Last year, I explicitly checked with Safari customer service about this, told them this is too good to be true since a regular Safari membership costs 3x of the ACM membership. The customer service replied and confirmed there is nothing different. So go for it :) The basic ACM membership is really a good deal.

I have been a subscriber for 3 years, and can confirm it's the full SafariOnline subscription, on top of ACM Magazine (your choice or paper or electronic format), plus ACM DL Library.

Yes, it seems too good to be true. But it is real, and I am happy to support both services.

Can also confirm it’s the full library, you just sign in via SSO. Happy to support the ACM too.

RE - you also get access to Safaribooksonline

when I checked this out a few years ago it was a subset of you also get access to Safaribooksonline - about 600 books only. Maybe it has changed now....

Does the base membership also offers access to the digital library?

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