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I agree that they're reasonable demands, but I'd also state that the business models were never really sustainable in the first place, so prices probably need to be raised in order to do so. I used to have a view into their delivery economics and they looked insurmountable. My friend, who currently works for Amazon's delivery program for Fresh and Now, tells me that only a few markets have achieved profitability, and even then we're talking about averaging cents per order. An increase in costs of >$5/order would mean either an increase in prices or a huge hit to cash flow.

Charging an extra $5/order sounds extremely reasonable given the circumstances.

It's reasonable to me. Maybe not so reasonable to someone unemployed, diagnosed, and only buying online because they're responsibly self isolating. It's probably the right thing to do in the end, because the business model was never sustainable in the first place, but I would still think hard about how to prevent people from infecting others in an attempt to save money.

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