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I mean it just kind of has to be higher for anything to make sense. The depreciation/fixed costs of operating a 767 for an hour is around $10k plus another $20k or so for fuel. That's a couple hundred grand for an 8 hour flight before you even get started with the expense of actually running an airline as a business.

So we know the post guessing $30k in passenger revenue for a typical flight is in the wrong order of magnitude.

For the number I kind of picked 15 cents out of my ass, it's a number I've seen in the past year in earnings reports for the majors and it easily gets us into the basic range we're talking about. Just google the terms RASM, PRASM, and CASM and you'll find a ton of info, that's the basic jargon used in the business to come up with info of this type.

Thank you for the reply. Knowing which keywords apply helps. Much appreciated!

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