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Also, my initial impression was “it’s legal now, so it’s not as exciting”. Even if it were exactly the same weed it wouldn’t be the first time that someone found the illicit aspect the most fun... drinking or smoking underage is more of a “thrill” than being able to do it every day legally, for instance.

Makes sense. I never really cared that much about the illicitness of it. That just made it more of a hassle really. Though it's never really been that big of a deal here for most of my life so that could be why.

I just like the way it calms me down, helps with stress and sleeping. Sleeping's always been something I've struggled with. I don't think it's for everybody though, kind of like the way coffee or alcohol isn't for everybody. Having higher quality coffee or beer might help someone like it if they're unsure, but if they don't like it, they don't like it and the best coffee or booze in the world won't change their mind.

Though, lower quality can give poor first impressions, or second impressions after a long period of not doing something. That was just my thought.

My college roommate in PDX was pleased with the legal product he found... my experiences are in northern NV/CA.

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