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I'm in Thailand right now and everyone even the expats are wearing them. Why? Because the law in our local jurisdiction has mandated that if you are outside you must wear a mask. And if you don't, the police will fine you and can arrest you. They even set up checkpoints a couple of days after it was announced and now everybody wears a mask. It's great, actually

How has Thailand handle production? In America, masks are nowhere to be found, and ordering the online takes a month or longer.

Asian countries already have a culture of wearing face masks in public. I imagine they already have the supply chains set up whereas America is needing to either import or build up the production capacity.

Productions there but also any kind of face covering is allowed and encouraged. Only some are wearing N95's. Some people are improvising, cloth masks, surgical masks, whatever. I suppose as long as everyone is making an effort it is effective.

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