Credit cards allow for disputes when there are problems with the transaction (fraudulent seller, not honoring terms, not providing services, etc). It does not cover you mistakenly buying what you don't need.
Filing a dispute when you knowingly made a mistake is a bad move, and your bank will quickly figure this out when AWS provides the billing statement, API logs and signed TOS. You're going to have a very tough time if you try to litigate this in court.
Debts (or at least payment plans) can be negotiated. Disputing to weasel out of them will only make things worse. A little communication can go a long way.
Filing a dispute when you knowingly made a mistake is a bad move, and your bank will quickly figure this out when AWS provides the billing statement, API logs and signed TOS. You're going to have a very tough time if you try to litigate this in court.
Debts (or at least payment plans) can be negotiated. Disputing to weasel out of them will only make things worse. A little communication can go a long way.