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Fun story about this.

I once did a night "hike" up to Tibidabo. This wasn't organized or anything, just a few friends and I took a commuter train out of the city to the base of the mountain, semi-stranding ourselves. Then we walked up to the top, slept outside on the hilltop and enjoyed the sunrise the next morning.

Tibidabo has an amusement park and a cathedral, so there was a night security guard who was very confused by the 4-5 tourists hanging out outside his gate at night, although he didn't complain much.

The relevant bit here though is that on the walk up the mountain, we saw more than one wild boar out on the roadside, including a whole family. It was unexpected and frightening.

> Tibidabo has an amusement park and a cathedral

And a funicular!


I think he is going by the name Ken Adams in this story ;)

No, my name is pretty obvious ;)


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