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There might be an addendum to this good answer: OP seems to be thinking they all need to show the same rates at the same time, so in essence you're looking for a "distributed transaction", which, as we all know... well, exercise for the reader and all that.

However, one technique I've used which works with all your approaches and guarantees consistency if the data model allows it is to have "future value" entries.

If you just have a single value:

    mortgage_rate_percent: 3.0
And this is in 4 databases, there will be a period where they don't match. But if you put a future "valid_from" in there:

    mortgage_rate_percent: 3.0
    valid_from: 2020-04-01 00:00:00-0000
Well, you now have the ability to have the rates all input at different times in different databases, and by querying for only the most recent one (or use from/to dates and find the intersection), they all become active at the exact same moment in time (clock drift aside) as time passes. No magic needed.

This seems really obvious once you've seen it, but it's amazing how many people try and worry about source of truth, synchronisation and distributed transaction problems when in many cases (like this), the change can be planned so you can just say "this value will apply in the future" and you have ample time to make sure it gets synch'ed before that time and everything "just works"

> This seems really obvious once you've seen it

I think that's true for 90% of patterns/problems in dev. Did you see that Prince of Persia post the other day? How the original creator came up with Shadow Man? Kind of resonates with what you are getting at in being obvious.

I embarrassingly have a 8 year old top StackOverflow post asking what a fluent interface was. Keeping in mind I'd been devving for 5+ years already at that point. It was just a "ahh F* yeah, that's obvious" moment.

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