Copying the description of the project from our last post:
We found that it was difficult for people who wanted to contribute to open source to actually start contributing since searching and finding relevant existing documentation related to the code itself was tough (which is important for new contributors, since they don't really know the codebase).
We built Hyperdoc, a documentation tool to help solve this problem and used it to write a code walkthrough guide for the popular open source software to show how it works.
You can use the links in Hyperdoc to step through the guide.
If you want to contribute to and you found this guide useful/insightful, we'd love to hear about it. Also, if you want to see a guide like this for one of your favourite open source projects or have any feedback, please shoot us an email at hello(at)gethyperdoc(dot)com.
After our last post (, we listened to your feedback and made a ton of changes to the UI to make it more intuitive.
Copying the description of the project from our last post:
We found that it was difficult for people who wanted to contribute to open source to actually start contributing since searching and finding relevant existing documentation related to the code itself was tough (which is important for new contributors, since they don't really know the codebase).
We built Hyperdoc, a documentation tool to help solve this problem and used it to write a code walkthrough guide for the popular open source software to show how it works.
You can use the links in Hyperdoc to step through the guide.
If you want to contribute to and you found this guide useful/insightful, we'd love to hear about it. Also, if you want to see a guide like this for one of your favourite open source projects or have any feedback, please shoot us an email at hello(at)gethyperdoc(dot)com.