The truth is most deaths are going to be people near or beyond average life expectancy. I don't want to minimize the impact of any person's death, but I think people in general are willing to accept a fairly high death rate among the elderly, especially considering the most likely to perish are those who were already the most likely to perish.
The death rate among the under-70 population is a different matter. If the medical system is overloaded and working-age people start dying en masse, I imagine that would change public consciousness quickly.
Young people don't necessarily die but they may very well end up in reanimation. The prognosis is hopeful if you're young and in reanimation, except if there aren't enough beds to host a sudden afflux of newly sick people in need of reanimation. Should I continue?
The death rate among the under-70 population is a different matter. If the medical system is overloaded and working-age people start dying en masse, I imagine that would change public consciousness quickly.