We're not solving db latency yet. A good place to start is aggressively caching at the edge. We offer an in-memory redis cache for this that can replicate commands globally. Beyond that you'd need read replicas which will be possible once we launch persistent storage. That said, latency between data centers on the same continent is often less than I would have thought!
Gotcha, honestly that feels pretty niche to me, which might be a good place for a startup to start.
I can't think of many back-end applications between purely static content (just use a CDN) and needs a database connection. Probably video game servers, where you don't need the game state to be (immediately) stored/accessed globally.
We've been talking to a lot of startups doing communications tools, especially for remote work.
Lots of full stack apps benefit from app servers + redis cache in different regions. They need a database connection, but if they're already done the work to minimize DB round trips they might just work with no code changes.
There are also a bunch of folks doing really dynamic video and image delivery. Where an individual user gets an entirely unique blob of binary data.
I could see IoT device 'acceleration' to be a significant potential use-case. Something with a tiny bill of materials for the device itself, offloading any non-trivial processing to a virtual device on the closest 'real' infrastructure you can get. Especially for something human-interactive, you would want to be very aggressive about minimizing latency.
Also, depending on how tight the limits are for VM lifetime / bandwidth / outbound connections, I could see using these as a kind of virtual NIC / service mesh type thing for consumer-grade internet connections, to restore the inbound routing capabilities precluded by carrier-grade NAT and avoid their traffic discrimination, as well as potentially on-boarding to higher-quality transit as early as possible for use when accessing latency-sensitive services further 'interior' to the cloud.
These are great. IoT seems like a thing you could do but that's a really specific use case I hadn't even considered.
The second example would be interesting to try. There's no real limit on VM lifetime or outbound connections, bandwidth is more of a budget problem. VMs are ephemeral, so they _can_ go away but we're all happier if they just run forever.