Depends which side you're on. If you're a Democrat, Dems are the 'adults in the room.' Reps are psychomaniacs tearing it all down.
If you are a Republican, Reps are the party of the real Americans, not the elitists trying to prevent you from succeeding. Democrats are a bunch of stuck up snobs that are too book smart to know how to effectively run a government.
There are more US citizens who are neither of the two than any one of them, if memory serves me right.
As for me - I'd say that Dems are the elitists trying to prevent the masses from getting what they need, and the GOP are their maniac friends tearing things down.
If you are a Republican, Reps are the party of the real Americans, not the elitists trying to prevent you from succeeding. Democrats are a bunch of stuck up snobs that are too book smart to know how to effectively run a government.
Pick a side.