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A Real-Time API for Next-Generation Apps (instagr.am)
51 points by ssclafani on Feb 24, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

This sounds like one more step to making push something that's expected on the web. BlackBerry did it to email when they created the "interactive pager", but it took a few years before people realized what was happening.

It's great to see hot companies like Instagram jumping onto a coming wave like this to popularize it sooner.

(One hour and no comments yet. Intimidating.)

This seems like a great idea with benefits for both sides. I haven't messed with too many APIs yet but are they the first to use POST requests this way?

I'll definitely try and hack something later tonight as I don't own an iPhone and would like to keep up with friends' instragr.am updates.

It's really just webhooks, no? I know Github offers this for post commit hooks.

I love the idea of webhooks and think they're really underutilized. But it's been around.

I dig the use of PubSubHubbub. It's very similar to some ideas I've been kicking around (I have an experimental/incomplete Node.js PSHB implementation). Take out all the stuff about hub discovery, feed content notifications, and xml, and you're left with a simple protocol for users to subscribe to updates on a given topic.

This doesn't seem all that different than Twilio sending you POST requests when you get a call or SMS. Very cool application of the concept though - I like it!

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