Nobody is suggesting you panic. Staying home is not panicking. Practicing standard virus safety is not panicking. The parent post is not panicking, nor have they said anything that implies they need to "relax". You're attacking people and concepts for shallow reasons.
I have the virus, and I'm young and healthy so I'll be fine. But I've been quarantining myself to protect people more vulnerable than me.
But hey, you're right! I'm fine, you're fine, let's all relax. I guess I'll go watch a football game, stop by a McDonald's, catch the subway back and maybe drop by an old folks home on the way just to volunteer and help the elderly. No need to panic. Business as usual right? Wouldn't want to miss that flight to tomorrow's trade show.
This sentence is reasonable. Your earlier "if I get it so what?" Implying you don't care about others around you if you do catch it is what's not reasonable.
Certainly the recommendation is not "freak out prematurely" so yes, you're doing a good job. Practice good hygiene, practice social distancing measures. Make sure you have the supplies you need for a successful quarantine. I'm glad I did.
You end up passing it along to someone who’s not as fortunate as you, that’s what.
“Cancel everything” isn’t about saving you. It’s about saving all the people around you.