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A Day Made of Glass... (youtube.com)
4 points by keyle on Feb 22, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

Lots of the same tricks repeated, but very cool. It's all about the software!

And the display technology. And the sensing circuits. And the pixel moving hardware. And the device interchange standards. None of which Corning makes.

It's comforting to know that in the near future we're all so stupid that we need in-car navigation to find our way to the office each morning.

Glass dashboards? I don't think so.

That looks pretty cool. I got the impression in the vid that the whole dashboard, over to the passenger door, is glass. That would hurt if you bounced your head on it.

Guess it's not really Corning's job to figure out what happens with people hitting glass, either on dashboards or clumsily walking through wall-sized transparent projection screens.

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