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show you github or blog, Time is not ability.

Your github is full of text and cloned repos... and you refused my earlier suggestion of sharing practical examples of your Tao, so it seems strange that you are so quick to demand proof of competency through code just to discuss with you.

If I give an example of one aspect of a topic and students cannot understand other aspects, then I will not repeat the explanation or example.

        ---- Confucius, a famous Chinese educator
Imagination is more important than knowledge.

The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.

Logic will get you from A to B, imagination will take you everywhere.

        ---- Albert Einstein    
Confucius and Albert Einstein mean the same thing. I have enough examples. If you still do nā€™t understand, you are not suitable for learning my theory.

My github is mainly my blog and my project homepage, and other code bases are just collections of other excellent developer projects.

I think hellofuck is not good, but he is not convinced, so I think he can show himself with blog or github.

Typographical error:

1.hellofuck -> hellofunk

2.Show you github or blog -> Show your github or blog

Finally, you try to downvote my comments, and it doesn't make any sense, you should know that everyone's talent is different, just as your talent doesn't suitable for learning my theory, Or rather, you have no fate with the Tao.

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