a, err := Foo()
b, err := Bar()
c, err := Baz()
doSomethingWith(a, b, c)
because "err" is ultimately used so doesn't trigger the "unused variable" compile error. The Go compiler doesn't care that it's written to thrice and only checked once.
In fact thinking about it that's a perfect example of "solving 90% of the problem, badly" the article talks about (though it's probably closer to 70% here): the Go compiler doesn't really try to understand that errors are a thing and are relevant. To avoid developers writing
val, err := Foo()
then going on to use `val` without checking `err` the devs decided to… require using variable.
This solves that specific issue but does nothing if, say, you miss that the function returns just an error, or you don't care about the result so you just ignore everything it returns. Or as above if you've got multiple calls binding to the generic (and conventional) `err` and think to check the last one (possibly because the calls above were only added later and the compiler never complained).
Meanwhile it makes Go throw a fit and literally refuse to compile your code because you wrote an innocent:
val := 5
and hadn't come around to use it yet, or removed the one print you didn't care for anymore.