Yes but what is the point of severity _and_ priority? Why not one field that's first estimated by QA and then updated by project manager when the clients needs are known?
So that they can be tracked independently and reviewed later. As I explain in a comment elsewhere, my company uses an app to generate severity, and it may not be adjusted outside of that. We can then track the number of low or high severity bugs in a delivery regardless of how the customer perceives the impacts of the bugs, using a more-or-less objective measure. We can compare that to the customer's view of the quality of the delivery by using the number of low or high priority bugs.
Makes total sense and my team does this as well. I think calling the value completely perpendicular to fix priority is hyperbolic. Fix priority should be some combination of severity, frequency, effort and stakeholder desire.
We have dozens of customers worldwide for our software packages, and each package is highly customised for each customer's business. The severity measure lets us compare release quality across customers using an objective measurement defined and managed by us. The priority measure lets us refine that comparison per customised packaged. Generally, a release with a lot of high-severity issues will have a lot of high-priority issues (since by a default an S1 is a P1, an S2 is a P2, etc.), but some customers have different requirements, different custom features, and some are just more fussy.
If a base release that was customised for multiple customers has an expected number of P1, P2, P3, P4 issues for most customers but a high number of P1 and P2 issues for one particular customer, off of the same number of issues in the base release as measured by severity, then that will stand out in our measurements and we'll dive deeper into that customisation to see what's going on.
(Edited mid-stream... accidentally submitted too early.)
FTA, severity reflects "a bug’s impact to the functionality of the system", while priority reflect the
"client’s business and product requirements".
The point of this system is that high-severity bugs might have lower priority than low-severity bugs if you take business requirements into consideration. Yet, this does not mean that severity should be ignored.
You nailed it. Stick with priority and the right stuff will get fixed. Severity just encourages more debate about what needs to be fixed vs. deferred. Inevitably you will end up with a list of defects which will never be fixed.