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I love these simple solutions that may take years to discover but are shamefully obvious after said discovery.

For the longest time, I'm talking near a decade, after working for a few hours, I'd get this unbearable neck and shoulder pain. Even after the workday it would last long until the night. I am not ashamed to say that I would be almost in tears some days. Not because of the level of pain, but because it was constant and I was frustrated.

Finally, almost as if by accident, I simply pushed my chair back a bit and extended my arms while typing. The pain went away almost immediately. I had been working with my shoulders hunched up the whole time, causing all manner of muscle tension and fatigue.

All I had to do was extend my arms and let my shoulders drop.

Thank you for sharing! I recently started working from home and had the stiffest neck after a few days. I realized I needed to raise my screen to eye-level again (as I had at the office).

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