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check out Cloudflares CFSSL https://github.com/cloudflare/cfssl to manage the CA side, its API, and its OCSP

then check out Netflix Lemur for issuing and tracking certs automatically. https://github.com/Netflix/lemur

CFSSL was developed with cloudflare-specific use cases in mind. If you're looking for a general purpose personal CA, checkout smallstep/certificates: https://github.com/smallstep/certificates. Full disclosure, I work for smallstep, but we’re not exactly competitors. Regardless, here’s an external analysis of the two: https://jite.eu/2020/2/17/step-ca/

This looks very nice too! I'll have to look at this one closely, it seems to give me most of what I'm looking for. Thanks!

These both look really good! I'll have to check them out in more detail.

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