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I have firsthand experience of the frustration that these sort of discontinuities can cause. I lost all financial aid and nearly all "scholarship" money my senior year of undergrad after my 6 month coop at Intel put me over some income limits (probably around $33k per year). All told, I was probably ~$5k ahead compared to where I would have been with the scholarships and without the income.

Still, it would have been nice to do something more productive than spend six months at Intel for ~5k after taxes.

Presumably the experience itself helped you get other jobs that would’ve been unattainable had you not had a prestigious internship at intel.

Intel is not prestigious in the US software job market. Literally nobody I have interviewed with has ever asked me about my time at Intel.

Sure, but the person would have been in the same boat no matter what specific logo was hanging over the door.

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