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Yeah I've used traefik (originally on Mesos though on Kubernetes as well). I mean it's okay, but I don't get security groups and I have to build stuff. I'm old. If you make me build commodity pieces and your competitor doesn't I'm going with the competitor.

ECS with Fargate behind ALBs talking to RDS/SQS/Elasticache with Scheduled Tasks as my cron layer is 99% of what we need without standing up a single host we have to maintain.

I put that in my calculator and it makes a happy face.

Fargate is actually one of the most expensive ways to run a container from a pure cloud cost standpoint.

Not if you take into account the fact that I don't have to maintain the hosts the jobs are running on (which is a not inconsiderable amount of time when you get HIPAA and PCI into the mix). Liberal application of AWS Savings Plans with 1 year no up front helps a lot too.

At scale I agree, however if you're a small company (or, in our case, 6 small companies) and don't have dedicated DevOps (or, in our case, have 1.5 DevOps people split 6 ways), it's fantastic.

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