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Ask HN: Tools for auto-tagging
3 points by RiderOfGiraffes on Feb 18, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments
I have a bunch of disparate files/items and I need to generate tags for them quickly. I haven't found much in a quick search, and I don't have time to spend. Can anyone recommend an auto-tagging system that's fast to get running?

I don't need it real soon, but I can't spend too much time getting it running. I would expect some of you guys already have something running, and I'd appreciate leveraging your expertise.


By auto-tagging do you mean extracting entities from text? If so I have some experience using third party apis (Zemanta, Alchemy, OpenCalais).

Sort of, yes. I'll shoot you an email in the next few days if that's OK - and thanks for replying.

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