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If we want to focus the discussion on those four subpoints then we should leave behind the notion that they have anything to do with a specific gender.

* Sexism, or the notion that gender has roles. In many cultures there are the idea that each gender has a set of roles and domains with is exclusively theirs. Typically those align with concept from reproduction, such as women role are to give birth and nurture children while mens role are to support the nurture of children through food and protection. Social status under those rules results in men being valued based on their wealth and ability to protect children, while womens social status gets defined by signals of high fertility. Individuals of both genders that transgress gender roles tend to be punished socially, both directly in the form of violence and indirectly by low social status and social isolation. Violence directed at non-comformative gender behavior is usually committed by those within the same gender, ie women are more likely to punish other women who aren't sufficiently "feminine" and men are more likely to punish other men who aren't sufficiently "masculine".

* Displace violence, a typical behavior found in most animals. It is estimated as making up the majority of all form of violence. It is associated with stress management and in humans causes dopamine releases when applied. It can be observed at all ages and cultures. It does not make it acceptable, but it should give insight to why it happen and how to reduce it.

Associating negative traits with men is exactly the point. The basic notion seems to be that men are “privileged oppressors” and women are “oppressed”, which fundamentally means that even if a woman engages in the exact same behavior, it somehow doesn’t count because women are collectively the victims in all of this anyway.

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